Why blood oxygen monitoring is typically done on the finger rather than the wrist?

Measurement Accuracy The finger has a higher density of blood vessels and a richer capillary network, allowing the pulse oximeter to more accurately detect blood oxygen levels. In contrast, the wrist has fewer blood vessels and lower blood flow, which may lead to less accurate measurements. Signal Strength On the finger, the sensor can more easily obtain a strong and...

accuracy, Blood oxygen monitoring, finger oximeter, interference, signal strength, wrist oximeter

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Ends on July 25th! Last Chance for Super Early Bird Pricing on GO2SLEEP 3

The clock is ticking! Our exclusive Super Early Bird pricing for the revolutionary GO2SLEEP 3 is about to end. Starting from July 26th, the current price of $99 will no longer be available. This is the final opportunity to secure our latest sleep monitoring device at the incredibly discounted rate we’ve reserved especially for our earliest supporters. By ordering now, not only will you save...

Breakthrough Features, Go2sleep 3, GO2SLEEP 3 Discount, sleep monitoring device, Super Early Bird Pricing

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Do You Have a Sleeping Beauty Around You?

Have you ever wondered if there’s a Sleeping Beauty in your midst? Someone who sleeps a lot every day but always seems to be tired and lethargic. It turns out that sleeping a lot doesn’t necessarily mean sleeping well. The quality of sleep is significantly influenced by the different stages of sleep, each playing a crucial role in our body’s ability to rejuvenate. Understanding...

Advanced sleep tracker, Best sleep technology, Cognitive function sleep, Deep sleep measurement, Emotional stability sleep, Enhance sleep performance, GO2SLEEP 3 review, Improve sleep health, Optimal sleep patterns, REM sleep analyzer, sleep monitoring device, Sleep quality monitor, Sleep rejuvenation device, Sleep stages tracker, Sleep tracking accuracy

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What is SOAP and Why PSQI is it Important?

Explore how the SOAP model structures medical information, integrating the PSQI sleep assessment tool. GO2SLEEP 3 by SLEEPON offers intuitive PSQI result visualization for personalized sleep health management. Discover advanced technology and unique features to improve sleep quality with Super Early Bird offers available!

GO2SLEEP 3 features, methods to improve sleep quality, personalized sleep recommendations tool, PSQI data visualization, PSQI sleep assessment, sleep health management tool, sleep monitoring device, SLEEPON product features, SOAP model explanation, structured medical information

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The Relationship Between ODI and AHI in Sleep Apnea

Understand the pivotal roles of Oxygen Desaturation Index (ODI) and Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) in assessing sleep-disordered breathing and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Learn how these indices reflect breathing abnormalities and impact sleep quality with GO2SLEEP 3.

AHI, Apnea-Hypopnea Index, Obstructive sleep apnea, ODI, OSA, Oxygen Desaturation Index, sleep medicine, sleep-disordered breathing

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Discover the newly upgraded SLEEPON 3 APP and GO2SLEEP 3, now available for pre-order! 

Discover the newly upgraded SLEEPON 3 app and GO2SLEEP 3, available for pre-order now! Experience unmatched comfort, precision with SPO2 and HR monitoring, and a future-ready interface. Don't miss our limited-time offer at $99!

blood glucose monitoring, bloodglucosemonitor, earlybirdoffer, Go2sleep 3, GO2SLEEP3, healthtech, heartratemonitor, HR monitor, Sleep Technology, SLEEPON 3, SLEEPON3.0, sleeptechnology, SPO2 monitor, SPO2monitor, wearablesleepdevice

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The Best Design in SLEEPON 3.0 Test Feedback

Our SLEEPON 3.0 beta testing phase has been launched for a week now. We have gathered feedback from over 104 dedicated volunteer testers, receiving more than fifty valuable insights. We sincerely appreciate the commitment and support from our SLEEPON users. Your feedback is our greatest motivation for improvement. Learn More >>How to download the SLEEPON 3.0 Test version. Please take...

beta testing, customer satisfaction, RealTime info, Sleep monitoring, SLEEPON 3.0, User feedback

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Report on SpO2 and Heart Rate Accuracy for Go2sleep 3

Introduction This report evaluates the accuracy of SpO2 (blood oxygen saturation) and heart rate measurements provided by Go2sleep 3. The analysis compares the device’s readings against a medical-grade pulse oximeter, examining both metrics across multiple desaturation levels. The findings indicate that the sleep monitor demonstrates a high degree of accuracy, making it a reliable tool...

Go2sleep 3, heart rate measurement, Pulse Oximeter, Sleep monitoring, SpO2 accuracy

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How to Eat Better for Sleep

Have you ever experienced being helped home while drunk, only to collapse into a deep sleep? Or perhaps struggled to sleep at night after drinking too much coffee during the day? Diet significantly impacts sleep quality. Foods rich in tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin and melatonin, such as turkey, chicken, dairy products, nuts, and seeds, help induce sleep. Foods causing rapid blood sugar...

Healthy eating for sleep, Melatonin, Sleep disorders, Sleep nutrition, Tryptophan

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Sleep Cycles Through the Night

5 Ways to Get More REM Sleep

For centuries, scientists believed sleep was simply a period of rest and relaxation. It was not until researchers discovered REM sleep in 1953 that experts realized sleep might be an active and complex process. Since then, sleep science has blossomed and researchers have found REM sleep to be important for several mental processes, including memory and learning.   We’ll discuss why REM sleep...

memory consolidation, REM sleep, Sleep quality, sleep stages, sleep tips, sleepfoundation

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Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight?

When you first hear this question, do you find yourself skeptical and incredulous? “What? Are you kidding me! If sleep can help with weight loss, then why am I hitting the gym every day?!” Haha, that was my initial reaction when I first heard about this topic. I was skeptical and even found it amusing that someone would suggest such a thing. I didn’t believe it. However,...

diet, emotions, Health, modern lifestyle, Sleep, Weight loss, weight management

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SLEEPON Future Insights: Development of Blood Glucose Function

Good news, the SLEEPON app 3.0 is currently under intense development. We are planning to overhaul our app and introduce new features. For instance, the development of the blood sugar function, which has been brainstormed by our team, is now on the agenda. We believe that in the near future, the new blood sugar feature will be ready to meet everyone.

age standards, blood sugar, blood sugar control, blood sugar monitoring, diabetes, Health, Health management, medicine, normal blood sugar range

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Is Snoring a Medical Condition?

Discover the causes, symptoms, and risks of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), explore its potential complications, and learn about various treatment options including CPAP therapy, oral appliances, and surgery. Find out how lifestyle changes can effectively manage OSA for better sleep health.

CPAP therapy, Lifestyle changes, Obstructive sleep apnea, Oral appliances, Sleep disorders, sleep health, Sleep surgery, snoring, Weight loss, 标签: Sleep apnea

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Better sleep, better life.

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